Quick Highlights:
22,000+ Sessions rendered for major brands such as Sports Club/LA, EQUINOX, and Anatomy
Author of the best-selling book: Day by Day: The Personal Trainer's Blueprint to Ultimate Success
Master Instructor for the Pain-Free Performance Specialist certification and AXIOM Fitness Academy
2014/2014 Men's Health Next Top Trainer finalist
200+ articles published on websites such as T-Nation and the PTDC as well peer-review journals like NSCA PT Quarterly.
Creator of internal education and certifications for brands such as The St. James, Anatomy, SCW Mania, and AXIOM Fitness Academy
Product Manager for Coaching and Artificial Intelligence-driven fitness products for Strivers by the St. James.

Education and Credentials

Certifications and Degrees
"Study in the Dark to Shine in the Light"
B.S. Kinesiology
University of Maryland College Park - 2010
PPSC L1/L2/M* & KB
USA Weightlifting Level 1
Precision Nutrition Level 1
Schwinn Power Cycle
Additional Workshops:
VipR, TRX, Trigger Point, Animal Flow
2010 - present
Thank you for taking the time to visit my website and engage with me. Regardless of how you ended up on this page – I’m thankful that you are here and hopeful that you’ll enjoy my story. I’m also here to connect with you if you’d like to share your details at the bottom of this page so that we can become best friends.
I'm Kevin Mullins; coach, author, educator, mentor, and fitness-business-consultant. I'm a fitness professional with over thirteen years of experience helping clients and trainers simplify the noise that surrounds training, nutrition, and living a healthier life. My goals are simple:
Make the world a better place, one-person at-a-time, when I’m training clients.
Make the world a better place, one-trainer-at-a-time, when I’m teaching certifications.
Make the world a better place, one-reader-at-a-time, when I’m writing content.
Make the world a better place, one-smile-at-a-time, whenever I’m awake.
This vision is a culmination of my life's work which includes:
In my career, I’ve gained well over twenty-five thousand hours of experience training clients, teaching group fitness classes, instructing certifications and educational experiences for fellow trainers, and writing articles, books, and blogs for a variety of sources.
I’ve trained clients at legacy brands such as the Sports Club/LA, EQUINOX, Anatomy, The St. James and Gold’s Gym ( in addition to private and online clients).
Current and former clients include: U.S. Navy Seals, NBA and NFL athletes, Grammy-Award winning musicians, Fortune 100 CEO's, professional dancers and models, Congressmen and women, retired and aging populations, college students, and youth athletes.
I’ve taught certifications and spoken at conferences that include the PPSC, AXIOM Fitness Academy, SCW MANIA, NSCA, and the Achieving Optimal Wellness Conference.
I’ve published my paperback, Day by Day, that has sold over 5,000 copies worldwide (33 countries) and hundreds of articles scattered across the internet and print magazines, found here on my Articles page and my Blog
I also invest time as a consultant for trainers, gyms, and brands. The goal is simple: Become a better version of themselves with a singular idea of SERVING CLIENTS while remaining AUTHENTIC & VISIBLE.
Mentorship means a lot to me, actually. I'm so fortunate to have so many strong people pour energy, lessons, and love into me over the years. With every new success I find myself capable of thanking a specific person for a specific moment, lesson, or opportunity. I would not be who I am, or where I am, today without the people who gave of themselves for my benefit.
I truly believe that LUCK occurs at the intersection of being prepared, seeking opportunity, and being a good person.
It's now my turn to give back.
I'm excited to use all of my experience, my reputation, and my network to help clients, trainers, gyms, and brands discover a better version of themselves. This website is here to serve as a singular hub that allows me to SERVE anyone who finds me. I truly stand by my promise to be a resource for anyone who wants to connect with me earnestly, and in good faith.
Sure, some things like online coaching for clients or business consulting for developing gyms will require a contract and the exchange of money...
And sure, I sell training programs and books...and I get paid to teach certifications or speak at conferences...
But that doesn't mean that I can't give you as much as I can for FREE. So, reach out via social media or connect with me below and we'll build a communication and find the best way I can serve you. I've got hundreds of articles for you to read at your leisure and hundreds of social media posts to help get you started too!
I'm always here to help you Simplify the Fitness Noise. (and sometimes that might mean "life")
Curious about my entire story? Click here for a more detailed biography.
2010 - present